sâmbătă, 31 martie 2012

SimPlot - vizualizare date de la Arduino

SimPlot este un program gratuit si foarte simplu de utilizat impreuna cu Arduino. Permite vizualizarea datelor transmise de la orice microcontroler prin portul serial. Pot fi urmarite pana la patru canale analogice.

In exemplul de mai jos am legat la un Arduino doua potentiometre si am facut capturi de ecran in timp ce le roteam de zor ;)

SimPlot Demo
Samples Analog Input and sends them over serial port to be plotted in SimPlot. 
This Demo software uses the default serial port "Serial".
Upto to 4 channels of data can be plotted. 

For details of SimPlot go to www.negtronics.com/simplot

Simplificata pentru postare pe blog - doua canale
Versiunea completa este la pagina de mai sus


void setup() 

int buffer[20]; //Buffer needed to store data packet for transmission
int data1;
int data2;

void loop() 
  //Read Analog channels. You can connect accelerometer, gyro, temperature sensor etc to these channels
  data1 = analogRead(0);
  data2 = analogRead(1);
  plot(data1,data2);            //Plots 2 channels of data
  delay(10); //Read and plot analog inputs every 10ms.  

//Function that takes 2 integer values and generates a packet to be sent to SimPlot.
void plot(int data1, int data2)
  int pktSize;
  buffer[0] = 0xCDAB;             //SimPlot packet header. Indicates start of data packet
  buffer[1] = 2*sizeof(int);      //Size of data in bytes. Does not include the header and size fields
  buffer[2] = data1;
  buffer[3] = data2;
  pktSize = 2 + 2 + (2*sizeof(int)); //Header bytes + size field bytes + data
  //IMPORTANT: Change to serial port that is connected to PC
  Serial.write((uint8_t * )buffer, pktSize);

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